40 Good Plant Safety Slogans


Making occupational health and safety a priority in your workplace is an important part of creating a safe environment. From construction to manufacturing, here is a look at some important plant safety slogans to keep your workplace a desirable place to work.

A spill, a slip, a hospital trip
Behind the wheel, anger is one letter away from danger.
Chance takers are accident makers
Come safely, work safely and arrive home safely.
Electricity can turn you off.
Housekeeping you skip may cause a fall or slip.
If you mess up, ‘fess up
It’s easier to ask a dumb question than it is to fix a dumb mistake
Keep no accident record.
Keep safety at the first step.
Keep safety in mind. It will save your behind.
Knock out… accidents
Make it your mission, not to live in unsafe condition.
Make your workplace safe and comport.
Never forget about safety.
No safety, no business.
Prepare & prevent instead of repair & repent.
Remember safety! You family is waiting for you at home.
Safety comes in a can, I can, You can, We can be safe.
Safety fits like a glove; Try one on.
Safety glasses: All in favor say “Eye!”
Safety is a full time job – don’t make it a part time practice
Safety is forever.
Safety is no accident.
Safety is our concern.
Safety is our first priority.
Safety means zero accident.
Safety rules are your best tools.
Safety Shoes To House Your Toes; Safety Glasses on Your Nose.
Shortcuts cut life short
Stop accidents before they stop you.
Ten fingers, Ten toes, if you are not careful then, who knows?
The safe way is the only way.
Think before you act.
Think smart before you start.
To avoid a scene keep your work place clean.
When safety is first, you last.
While on a ladder, never step back to admire your work
With safety, we win.
Work safely means success.

Check out this gas plant safety video focused on providing strategies for operating in a safe workplace.