22 Catchy Patriotic Slogans


Patriotism has deep roots in a nation’s history. From love, devotion, and support for the defense of one’s nation, loyalty is one of the key ingredients to patriotism. It originates in the 1720’s from the word patriot. Here are some incredible catchy patriotic slogans that will tap into your love for country. v

A House is Built by Hands, But a Home is Built by Heart!
America! Love it or leave it.
Don’t Tread On Me.c
Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.
Freedom is at the core of every successful nation in the world.
Freedom Is Not Free.
Freedom’s Calling.
Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death.
Home of the Brave.
I’m a Yankee Doodle Boy.
If you enjoy your freedom, Thank a Vet!
Liberty and Justice For All.
Liberty is not Free!
Live Free or Die.
Loose Lips Sink Ships.
One country, one constitution, one destiny.
Proud to be American.
Salute a Veteran!
Support our troops!
Sweet Land of Liberty.
United We Stand!
You’re a Grand Ol’ Flag

Here is one video that captures the essence of the true meaning of patriotism as written by FEE’s President Lawrence W. Reed.