25 Catchy Anti Drug Slogans


Reaching out to the youth can be difficult in this age of technology in the 21st century. Finding a catchy slogan can be one way to create a memorable message they will remember. Here are some amazing catchy anti-drug slogans that will encourage young adults to stay away from these damaging substances.

Crack is Whack
Do a good deed and kill the weed
Do dope, Lose Hope
Don’t do Pot, Your brain will rot
Don’t Huff, Don’t Puff. Keep away from that stuff!
Drug free is the way to be
Drugs are whack so watch your back
Drugs cost you more than just money
Drugs: You use, you lose
Get high on Life, not on drugs
God made the herb to use, not to abuse
Hugs not drugs
I rather eat bugs than do drugs
If you aren’t drug free you can’t hang with me
It is easier to stay off drugs than get on drugs
Lions, and Tigers and Bears oh my…Drinking and Smoking and Drugs? Goodbye!
Mary Jane ruins the brain
Pull the plug on drug
Shoot for the Stars not your arms
There is no excuse for drug abuse
Too smart to start
Up with hope down with dope
Users are losers and losers are users
Wasted? So is your life
Who said being a quitter was a bad thing?
Crack is Whack
Do a good deed and kill the weed
Do dope, Lose Hope
Don’t do Pot, Your brain will rot
Don’t Huff, Don’t Puff. Keep away from that stuff!
Drug free is the way to be
Drugs are whack so watch your back
Drugs cost you more than just money
Drugs: You use, you lose
Get high on Life, not on drugs
God made the herb to use, not to abuse
Hugs not drugs
I rather eat bugs than do drugs
If you aren’t drug free you can’t hang with me
It is easier to stay off drugs than get on drugs
Lions, and Tigers and Bears oh my…Drinking and Smoking and Drugs? Goodbye!
Mary Jane ruins the brain
Pull the plug on drug
Shoot for the Stars not your arms
There is no excuse for drug abuse
Too smart to start
Up with hope down with dope
Users are losers and losers are users
Wasted? So is your life
Who said being a quitter was a bad thing?

Check out this video of a Ted Talk featuring the facts and truth about drugs. Everything you thought you knew about addiction may be wrong after watching this presentation.