28 Best Prom King and Queen Slogans


Prom is a rite of passage for every boy and girl high school senior. The class gets to band together and vote for one boy and girl to take home the crown of Prom King and Queen. Here is a look at some great slogans to use during your campaign to grab support and take home the win.

A Homecoming King To Be Proud Of.

A Queen You Can Be Proud Of.

Cast Your Ballot. Have You Heard? (Your Name) For King. Spread The Word.

Don’t Be a Sucker, Vote For (Your Name).

Don’t Be Mean, Make Me King.

Don’t Blow It. Chews Me. (Bubble Gum Theme)

Every Girl Is A Princess, But Only One Can Be Queen.

Free Drinks On Me! (Put Above Water Fountain)

Give Me The Crown I Won’t Let Your Down.

I Don’t Always Vote, But When I Do It’s For (Name).

I Have Heart. I Have Vision. Voting For Me Is a Great Decision.

I Mustache You To Vote For (Your Name).

I’m Not Smart Or Attractive, So Just Give Me This One.

In This Scene, So Serene, Vote For (Your Name) For Prom Queen.

Keep Calm And Vote (Your Name) For Homecoming King.

Let Me Be The Leader Of This Pack.

Let Your Prom Be Unleashed With (Your Name).

Make Somebody Happy. Vote For (Your Name).

Maybe She’s Born With It. Maybe It’s Royalty!

Oh I Just Can’t Wait To Be King.

Please Vote For Me. I Already Told My Mom I Won.

Rumor Has It That (Your Name) Is Running For Homecoming King.

Stop Horsing Around And Vote For (Your Name) For King.

Victoria’s Real Secret Is That She Voted For Me For King.

Vote For (Your Name) Because You’re Worth It.

Vote For Me For King And You Will All Be Royalty.

What Do You Mean You Didn’t Vote For (Your Name)?

Your Vote Would Be a Real Treat.

Check out this video for a look at some of the most unusual high school prom queens and kings to ever win.