For many, the bloodshed caused by war is just to much. From destruction of cities and the loss of innocent life, here is a look at some amazing anti war slogans that will help to promote living in a world of peace.
All blood is Red.
Another Patriot for Peace.
Books are weapons in the war of ideas.
Brains not bombs.
Don’t tear down, help build up.
Give Peace a Chance
How many Lives per gallon?
If you’re not outraged you are not paying attention.
Killing one person is murder, but killing thousands is foreign policy.
Make Jobs Not War.
Make Love Not War.
More Blood Won’t Cleanse Bad Blood
No Blood for Oil
Peace – Just Due It.
Peace is the Path.
Peace: No Soldier Left Behind
Stop the Will to Kill
Support our troops bring them home.
There never was a good war or a bad peace.
Think outside the bomb.
War – An Axe of Faith.
War is lack of imagination.
War is not the answer.
You Can’t Domesticate Violence.
Here is a unique perspective shared by one US Iraq War veteran that speaks out against war. Having served two tours in Iraq, this veteran serves as an organizer for the Michigan Chapter of Veterans for Peace and serves on the National Board of Directors of Iraq Veterans Against War.