Feminism hits a wide range of social movements and ideologies aimed at progressing the rights of women for equal opportunity, education, and employment. From the woman suffrage movement, onward, women lives have been slowly improving. To continue to fight the current injustices suffered by women, here are some catchy feminist slogans to encourage positive change.
A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle
A Women place is every where
Ain’t no revolution without women
As long as women are not free, the people are not free
Don’t tell me to smile
Feminism does not mean anti men, it does mean pro human
Feminist & proud of it
Feminist forever
Grrrl power!
He for she
Hmmm… time to get my gun
I am a Feminist, what’s your Superpower?
I am deliberate and Afraid of nothing
I battle in male tears
I’m a feminist & proud of it
If you feel attacked by feminism it’s probably a counter-attack
Only if you’re a woman
Sexism Is Not A Side Issue
Stop violence against women
The wage gap exists
This is what a Feminist look like
Weak men fear strong women
Women are outperforming men in everything
Women who seek equality with men lack ambition
Women: An adult human female
You educate a Women, you educate a generation
Your body is a battle ground
Here is an awesome video put together by Always brand regarding the epic battle in raising girl’s confidence levels at a young age.