With roots dating back to the 1600’s in the United States, Thanksgiving is a time of harvest and celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. Meant to bring thanks to those around us and all participate in a feast, here are some great Thanksgiving slogans that help to define the symbolism and practices of this day.
A loved ones face, such a sweet embrace.
A Thanksgiving celebration to show our appreciation.
Be thankful for what you got, not focused on what you have not.
Being Grateful turns what you have into enough.
For all the blessings in my life, I will celebrate with a fork and knife.
Forever on Thanksgiving Day The heart will find the pathway home.
Gather here with grateful hearts.
Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.
Give Thanks, Give Cheer, Not only on Thanksgiving but all through the year.
Gobble Gobble till you Wobble.
Gratitude is the hearts memory.
Hip Hip Hooray. It’s Thanksgiving Day.
I’m thankful for every moment.
May gratitude reside in your heart even after we’re apart.
Nobody diets on Thanksgiving.
Not wishing you had more but being grateful for what you have.
Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart.
Show appreciation for the beginnings of our nation.
Thanksgiving is about trying to relate to those people you are related to.
Thanksgiving is not about gobbling a handful, it is about being thankful.
Thanksgiving night, always a delight.
Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action.
Thanksgiving: A time so divine, Bring on the turkey and the wine.
Time to be thankful at all life has to offer.
Who does not thank for little, will not thank for much.
Here are some little known facts about Thanksgiving that will surprise you about this food indulging holiday.