23 Best Freshman Class Slogans


Starting high school can be an intimidating time. Not know what to expect and having to make new friends can create an environment of fear and anxiety. Here are some great encouraging freshman class slogans that will help you during this time of transition.

Ahead of the rest, the class of XXXX is the best.
Ain’t Nobody so fresh and so clean.
Being us and having fun, XXXX is 1.
Class of XXXX, students of today, leaders of tomorrow.
Class of XXXX, too bad we’re only gonna make it to freshman year!
Feel the freshman breeze.
Fresh Freshmen smell sweeter than spoiled seniors.
Fresh till death.
Freshman are friends. Not food.
Have no fear… the class of XXXX is here.
If you can hear it, it’s the class of XXXX spirit.
No need to shed any tears, we have two more years.
Seniors wish they were this FRESH.
Take it back and hold it true. XXXX belongs to you.
The Fearless Freshmen are divine. Shout it loud and we’ll make it shine.
The few…the proud… the freshmen.
The freshest kids on the block.
United we stand, divided by fall. XXXX has got it all.
We put the fresh in freshmen.
We’re fresher than Subway.
We’re the class with pizzazz.
Will we ever return to a time before dreams were slogans?
Yell loud, be proud, be a Freshmen.

Here are some great Freshman tips on how to survive your first year of high school.