31 Good Hand Safety Slogans for the Workplace


Hands are one of the key parts associated with work and one of the easiest parts of your body that can be injured with tools if you do not take proper safety precaution. Here is a look at some great hand safety slogans for the workplace that are perfect to incorporate with your workplace safety campaign.

A spill, a slip, a hospital trip
Accidents hurt, Safety doesn’t.
Arms work best when attached to the body
Avoid the worst. Put safety first.
Be alert! Accidents hurt.
Behind the wheel, anger is one letter away from danger.
Being safe is in your own hands.
Chance takers are accident makers
Click clack front and back.
Click it or ticket!
Dare to be aware.
Don’t be a fool. Use the proper tool.
Don’t learn safety by accident.
Eyes are priceless, eye protection is cheap.
Get in high speed pursuit of safety
Give them a Brake!
Have another day by being safe today!
If you mess up, ‘fess up
Keep a grip on life and protect your hands
Know safety. No Accidents.
Never give safety a day off
No Belt. No Brains
Quench the thirst – safety first
Safety first makes us last.
Safety in – we win
Safety is no accident
Shortcuts cut life short
Stop drop & roll
Success is no accident
Think smart before you start.
Wipe Up and avoid a Slip Up!

Here is a look at the top ten commandments of workplace safety. Speaking up when you see something wrong is one of the most important ways to tackle increasing risk towards injuries and accidents.