40 Motivational Weight Loss Slogans


The top new years resolution every year is to diet and lose weight. It is quite typical following a holiday season surrounded by food and over indulgence. To get motivated and reach the weight loss goals you set aside for yourself, here are some great and encouragement weight loss slogans that capture the focus and mindset you will need to be successful.

Believe In Yourself. Change Forever.
Better Body, Better Life.
Bigger Snacks, Bigger Slacks.
Burn than fat and watch your belly go flat.
Commit to be Fit.
Don’t Be Large. Take Charge!
Don’t Wish For It. Work For It!
Dream. Believe. Succeed!
Drop the fries and move those thighs!
Easy to gain, hard to lose.
Eat Right, And The Pants Won’t Be Tight.
Eat right, Future Bright.
Eat To Live. Not Live To Eat.
Eat Wise. Drop a Size.
Find Your Strength!
Get a jump on your day.
Give Up The Fat, And The Belly Will Go Flat.
Have self-control so you don’t look like a cinnamon roll.
If losing weight is you goal, you must have some self-control.
Lose the strain, gain the grain!
Move it or lose it.
Move those thighs so you can drop a size.
No Pain, No Gain.
Nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels
Reach your potential!
Stressed is just deserts spelled backwards.
Sweat Is Mandatory. Puking Is Optional.
Take charge, don’t be large.
The Healthy Way Is The Right Way.
To lose that gut, get off your butt!
Today Is Another Chance To Make Yourself Proud.
Tomorrow’s Wish: Should Have Started Today.
Too Fit to Quit.
Veggies you must eat, to become petite.
Weight Loss can be more than a notion if you get into motion.
When you run and jump, pounds you will dump
Work Like a Dog. Sweat Like a Pig. Look Like a Fox!
Workout everyday and pounds will fade away
Your Body. Your Life.
Your stomach shouldn’t be a waist basket.

Here is one amazing body transformation after taking on weight loss initiatives that caused her to lose 70 pounds successfully.