40 Catchy Student Council Campaign Slogans


Choosing the right student council campaign slogan can help you to run an effective campaign. Your slogan should capture your personality, qualities, and personal characteristics. Here is a look at some effective and great student council campaign slogans that will help you win the race.

A credible leader
Above average leadership
All for our school
Ask and you shall receive
Behold the power of democracy
Bolder. Brighter. Better.
Brighter days lie ahead
Champion of the people
Change for the better
Compassion for all
Doing what’s right
Driven by purpose
Excellence personified
Far from ordinary
Fighting in your corner
For the best year ever
Getting the job done right
Go for the gold
Head in the clouds
Help me fight
I’ll never quit
Idealist by nature
Join our cause
Keep on keeping on
Let the good times roll
Making the grade
No one can deliver like I can
Onward to victory
Open mind. Open doors.
Purpose driven leadership
Ready to Lead
Safer school for everyone
Solving the big problems
Take care of the earth
Taking on the big challenges
The road to victory
Understanding of all
Very good leadership
We’re all above average
You’ve got a friend in me

Here is a great video on how to run your student council election and get the votes you need to win.