28 Catchy Healthy Eating Slogans


In today’s processed food environment, making healthy choices can be difficult and overwhelming. Finding a way to remind yourself to make the right choices in life are made easier with one of these catchy healthy eating slogans.

A long healthy life can be your fate if you watch what you put on that plate.
Don’t wait to lose weight.
Eat good, Feel good, Look Good.
Eat healthy day and night, to keep your future looking bright.
Eat your fruits and Eat your veggies, stay in shape and have less wedgies.
For a healthy body for you and me, healthy eating is the key!
For you health’s sake, skip the chips and the cake!
Full of energy you will feel, after eating a healthy meal.
Green veggies on your plate, will make you feel good and keep a slim weight.
Have a healthy snack at hand, to keep you feeling grand.
Healthy eating- For a life that is long and to look good in a thong.
I choose healthy foods for me, to stay as healthy as can be.
Ignore your health, it will go away.
Keep your body the best it can be, with eating healthy and exercising.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
Salad and beets are some healthy treats.
Think of what you put in your mouth, that’s what healthy eating is all about.
To keep your body as strong as can be, eating healthy is the key.
To keep your health on track, fruits and veggies you shouldn’t lack.
To look the best, eat the best.
To prevent future dismay, start healthy eating today.
To stay looking fine, make healthy choices when you dine.
Want to look good and feel great? Have grains and veggies on your plate.
Watch what you eat today, so tomorrow you can keep diseases away.
When eating healthy you can’t go wrong in keeping your body lean and strong.
With broccoli and kale you can’t fail.
You will feel so grand, when you have healthy food in your hand.
Your stomach shouldn’t be a waist basket.

Here are some of the most common myths you would not believe about healthy eating.