20 Catchy Clever Campaign Slogans


Winning an election is no easy feat. Finding the right way to communicate your message with a clever campaign slogan is just one way to reach the masses and gather support for your cause.

A Full Dinner Pail
A Leader, For a Change
America Needs a Change
Are You Better Off Now Than You Were Four Years Ago?
Building a Bridge to the 21st Century.
Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow
For President of the People
For the Future
Good Money Never Made Times Hard
He Kept Us Out Of War
In Your Heart, You Know He’s Right.
It’s Morning Again in America.
Kinder, Gentler Nation.
Leave No Child Behind
Not Just Peanuts
Patriotism, Protection, and Prosperity
Peace and Prosperity
Rejuvenated Republicanism
Return to Normalcy
Yes, American Can.

Here is a short video on how to run a political campaign as it is explained in less than five minutes.