10 Steps to Making a Blog Business Plan


Blog Business Plan

Blogs don’t make money, businesses do. If you are running a blog and don’t have a business plan in place, then you will not make money. No matter what type of blog you have and how you run it, there has to be a strategy to make money. Unless you wish to measure the success of your blog simply by the quality of the posts and the number of readers that occasionally visits your site, you will need some revenues to substantiate the success of the blog.

The answer to why your blog isn’t making money lies in the secrets of a successful blogging business. Here’s what you should do.

1) Understand How Blogs Make Money.
Blogs don’t make money simply because there is some content or some people visit the site. You may be generating a lot of traffic but unless you monetize it, you wouldn’t make any money. There are many ways to monetize a blog. You can put up ads and get paid by the likes of Google and Amazon. There is Google AdWords and Amazon Affiliate Program which you can use. Actually, you should use both and many other advertising or affiliate marketing programs. You don’t have to do anything specific in these programs.

If your blog enjoys a lot of traffic then the affiliate links and ads would generate sufficient revenue. If your blog doesn’t generate substantial traffic, it is then that you need to work on content that is relevant to those affiliate links and ads. In other words, you would not only have to sign up for those programs but you would also need a strategy to make those programs effective on your blog.

2) Understand Your Readers.
When anyone starts a blog, the primary focus or objective is to write what one wants. That can get some traction initially but over time no one would be interested perennially to find out what a certain person or blogger wants to talk about. There comes a stage when a blog has to publish content that readers would want or might like. That is the trick to keep running a successful blog.

3) Stay a Step Ahead of Your Competition and Audience.
Do something more than what your competitors are doing and deliver more than what your audience expects. That is the only way to stay relevant in these times.