The Best Free WordPress Facebook Comments Plugins


How many people know someone that five or ten years ago said they would never have a Facebook profile or page? I was one of those people and I have now had my Facebook profile for over five years, more like seven or eight years. There is no denying that Facebook is a defining force in the internet world and to ignore that is simply not good business.

It can be confusing the way that the internet is merging everything together. Facebook is one of those sites that is so integrated when done right that you might not even know that you have gone from one site to another. The quickest way to get Facebook and your site connected is through comments. The comments are already there on Facebook and already there in WordPress, linking them is the next logical step. There is no denying that Facebook has become a force to be reckoned with on the internet and any good website will take advantage of that fact.

SEO Facebook Comment

SEO Facebook Comment
Facebook and using it on a site uses something called OpenGraph. You do not have to know what that is, but you should know that Facebook plugins will come in two flavors, with and without OpenGraph. The best integration is with OpenGraph and that is the framework that this plugin is based upon. That means not just that it integrates well, but that when this plugin updates or Facebook updates its use of OpenGraph, there will not be any broken plugins.

This is a light and fast plugin that does exactly what you want. It allows Facebook users to comment on your blog and that comment will also appear on Facebook. This is great because when someone on Facebook clicks within that comment they end up on your site. They do not even know they are being taken there most of the time. We have seen entire comment based conversations that linked directly to a site built on WordPress.

Lazy Facebook Comments

Lazy Facebook Comments
This one is nice because of its sheer simplicity. If you have been building your site all day and installing plugins all night, then this is a nice one to finish up with. It is quick and clean and will do exactly what you want in a matter of seconds. We have actually seen it take longer to download and install than it takes to configure.

You get all the great things about being linked in with Facebook and not a lot of hassle getting set up. You will find a visit or two from Facebook within the first few hours of installing and posting your own first comment or two. This may be your first step in some powerful SEO.