How to Increase Traffic to Your Blog


Increase Blog Traffic

Whether you enjoy writing for its creative aspects or integrate it as a part of your marketing strategy with a specific purpose in mind, the following strategies to increasing traffic to your blog are instrumental for any forms of results. These key components will help you to remain focused and effective with your efforts.

1) Create Compelling Title That Matches Content.
One of the best ways to get an incredible response from a blog post is to work on the title of your content. In order to get your post shared, you will need something that is unique. You and your content will have to be ahead of the curve. In addition, you will need to focus on selling your content through a title that is captivating and direct. Drawing the reader in, your title will be the leading cause of your blog post being shared across social media platforms. So, choose carefully.

2) The Easier Your Content Is To Share, The More It Will Be Shared.
This is a simple enough concept but it requires reiteration. The easier it is for you to share the content of your blog post, the more it will be shared by other people. This will require social media optimization. In particular make sure you are checking for Twitter and Google optimization. This requires having a title, description, heading, content, and page name. In addition, your posts can go a long way if they are Pinterest friendly.

3) Be Proactive Leading Up To And During The Post.
To spread your blog post and have it shared, it can really help to be proactive. The first thing you will want to do is to search topics similar to the purpose of your blog as well as your post. Find the influencers in places like Twtrland and Grouphigh. In addition manage out reach using buzzstream. By reaching the relevant people, you can send your post as well as link to it, dramatically increasing the amount of attention you will get regarding it.

4) Take Time To Monitor Your Results After it Is Posted.
There are a number of different tools you can use to measure the success of your post. Due to the range of options available and easy to understand format, Google analytics is a popular choice. You can use it to track your links and see how many times it is being shared across platforms. In addition, there is Kissmetrics analytics and Buffer analytics, which can both be used for a similar purpose. If you are getting to the point where people are no longer sharing the post, then push the post again. This is normally done about a month after you first post the blog content.