40 Catchy Class President Slogans


Using a memorable slogan will help to get your fellow classmates attention with some clever posts and imagery. No matter what class office you are running for, check out these great catch class President slogans.

A Vote for Me is a Vote for You, Vote ______ to Represent You!

Chews (name) for student council president! (Put gum packages and bubbles on your poster)

Chews me for president. Don’t blow it! (use gum)

Don’t Be Hesitant. Vote _______ For President.

Don’t make your vote junk vote for the guy who can dunk

Dont be a dum-dum be a smartie and vote for (your name). Use smarties candy.

Donuts, chocolate, pizza…Now that I have your attention. Vote (your name) for (your position).

East or west, Henly is the Best

Extra extra read all about it! ( your name ) is running for ( ______ ) and we gotta shout it!

Feel like you should have a say? Vote (Name) for Prez today!

Have your say, Be Heard, Make a difference.

I am nobody.. nobody is perfect.. therefore I am perfect.. vote for _____

I am the one to get the job done. Vote ________ for ________.

I don’t just speak the change I make the change.

I got a heart, I got a vision, voting for me is a good decision!

I know i am a rookie but i am one smart cookie!

I may be small but i can do it all. Vote for ___________.

I may be small, but I’ve got it all. I’ll fight without rest, put me to the test. Vote for (Name).

I might be small but I`ve got it all, I will fight without rest put me to the test!

Like a good neighbor __________ is there.

Making the world a better place since (insert birthday here).

Mirror mirror on the wall who’s the best vote of them all? (put a picture of you in a mirror)

My name is ______ and I’m here to serve you. Vote for me and I won’t desert you.

No need to sweat, Vote for someone you won’t regret, vote _________

North and South (Component’s name) is out!

Paws and vote (name) for (position). (Also put paw prints on the poster)

Put me to the test, I’ll always be the best.

Say cheese, and vote (your name) for historian please.

she’s got the heart, she’s got style, vote for the girl with smile.

Students Need Their Own Voice. So Make The Right Choice.

The girl with the SMILE will go the extra MILE!

Victoria’s real secret, she voted for (name).

Vote (Your name) for (what your running for), because life is too short to have a bad student government.

Vote ______ for Treasurer! It’s the CENT$ible choice!

Vote for me and you will see how good this school can be.

Vote for(name) for(what you’re running for) and she’ll / he’ll stick with you!( put sticky notes everywhere)

Vote me as vice and it sure will be nice.

You have the force in you to vote for Hannah. (Star Wars)


YOUR voice. YOUR choice. Vote __________ today.

Here is a great video on how to win class office and bring about positive change to your school.