38 Catchy Golf Slogans


Golf is a popular sport for many that leave the boardroom after 5:00pm. Requiring a high level of skill and discipline, golf can be a competitive sport. Here is a look at some of the best catchy golf slogans that will inspire you.

A Golfer loves green
Believe and Achieve
Can you handle my balls?
Drive for show, Putt for dough
Eat sleep and play Golf
G for Green, G for Golf
Get Golf or Get Out
Golf for smart people
Golf is a way of life
Golf is for those who like to stroke it
Golf is my bag, man
Golf is our favorite game
Golf now ask later
Golf, this is it
Got Golf?
Hit it long
Hit it, find it and hit it again
In love with Golf
It’s all about Golf
It’s Good To Talk Golf
It’s just hard to play
Keep calm and Golf on
Less work more Golf
Let’s play Golf
License to Golf
Life is good when you’re Golfing
Make it a Golf night
Naughty, but Golf
No Golf? No way
Nothing like Golf
Play like a champion today
Play strong or go home
Pure Golf
Smart. Beautiful. Golf
The Golf That Refreshes
Think Golf
Who’s Your Caddy?
You’re in Good Hands with Golf