21 Catchy Cheer Slogans


Cheerleaders and their fans alike will enjoy sporting some great slogans and sayings on their shirts, banners, and posters giving tribute to the team they are cheering. To up the ante of your performance, here are some great cheer slogans to spur you on.

Athletes by nature, cheerleaders by choice
Athletes lift weights – Cheerleaders lift athletes.
Call us butter cause we on a roll
Can’t hide our pride
Cheerleaders: Front row seats to every game
Cheerleading – not just flirts in skirts
Cheerleading is more than a sport, it’s an attitude
Cheerleading is the Bomb Diggity
Cheerleading.. not just flirts in skirts.
Eat, Sleep, Cheer, and Repeat
Fly high to the sky and cheer loud to the crowd
Fly high to the sky, cheer loud to the crowd
Go BIG or Go Home
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard
Have no doubt, shout it out
I cheer on 2 occasions: Day and Night
I’m loud, proud and can cheer the crowd
There is no halftime for cheerleaders
We don’t remember days… We remember moments.
When we shout, When we scream, you’ll wish you were on our team.
Without Cheerleading, It’s just a game

Here is one high school cheer chant performed by the Frisco High School cheerleader squad.
