11 Keys to Writing a Good Blog Post Everytime


Crafting a Blog Post

Creative content is known as being key to increasing engagement and interest on your blog site. There are multiple other components to constructing an effective blog post. An outline of the key insights provided by this infographic are captured below.

1) Headline Is Your First, And Sometimes Only, Chance.
Selling your blog and content requires having a headline that draws people in. A common example people use is the housing industry. Individuals make their first impression when they are still inside the car. While the inside of the house, and in your case the content of your post, might be great, people will turn away if the lawn, aka your headline, is not engaging. So, help yourself by drawing people in with a headline that grabs their attention and relates to the content of your article.

2) Once In, Open Your Content With A Bang.
So the reader has looked at the headline and is interest. What’s next? If you have an excellent headline and a mediocre opening content, then people will turn away. As a result, it is very important to focus on the beginning of your content. While the mid and end of your content can be less planned, the beginning of your content should be designed to be engaging.

3) Carefully Consider Your Words and Sentence Structure.
Not every word is a fill in for another. Some words have a particular significance and importance within the current culture. By using your words very carefully, you can convey your meaning while also placing particular emphasis on the importance of what you say. Surrounding these words is the context provided by the rest of your sentence. Make sure you write in an active voice, and do not use passive phrases or sayings.

4) Organize Your Information Intelligently.
How are you breaking up the content of your post? You will need more then just a header and a body. In particular, there are a number of tools that you should consider using to block relevant information together and make it easier for people to read and follow along with. Bullet points are perfect for this, as likeminded information can be gathered together to make a more powerful point.

5) Create a Narrative.
Every post you make should have an internal narrative. Don’t think of a novel. Instead, think of a short story that has a definitive beginning, middle, and end. Introduce the subject matter and point of your article early on, using the rest of your article to add to it. Put in internal cliffhangers that will play over the course of your article. These will be used to keep attention and focus on the relevant points. In addition, consider adding a personal or emotional angle to the piece, as it is easier for people to stay focused and interested.